
Mentorship is a key component of SHPE’s mission. By uniting our members in mentorship pairs, we are creating invaluable bonds that benefit both the mentor and the mentee, seeding early the powerful network that will be so crucial as members advance as STEM leaders.

First-time mentor Brandon Santos, winner of our inaugural MentorSHPE contest in honor of honor of National Mentoring Month, is working with Krisbel Piñango at the University of Houston, where they are both undergraduate students.

“It was amazing to be a mentor to Krisbel,” Brandon said. “I watched her blossom from a shy girl to an outgoing and fierce individual! She has grown tremendously professionally and personally, developing her skills through resume critiques, public speaking, and mock interviews. She really pushed her boundaries.”

This experience is echoed throughout the SHPE Familia. Member Alexis Collazo, an undergraduate at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, mentors Brittany Jones, a SHPE Jr. Member who recently assumed the presidency of her chapter—with Alexis’ support.

“I encouraged Brittany to take the on the President role as a senior, and I have helped her with college applications, studying for the SAT, academics, projects, and now, an upcoming Noche de Ciencias. She has excelled, and I couldn’t be prouder of her accomplishments,” said Alexis. “SHPE has allowed me to reach out to Brittany, and others in her chapter, and create bonds that are truly remarkable. SHPE is a familia, and it is forever, a family that we can always rely on.”

In 2018, more than 750 SHPE members from over 100 chapters—with some 90 percent students—were involved in mentorship, covering all seven regions of the country. Looking ahead, SHPE is taking our MentorSHPE program to the next level—we will be offering intensive support to mentors and mentees as they build their relationships through a handbook, new online resources, and in-depth workshops for chapter leaders.


These mentorship relationships are so necessary in today’s workforce, especially for Hispanic individuals. Through mentoring, we help define the SHPE Familia as a whole, and on a more personal level, the skills and strategies we need to step up as leaders, be good role models, and create meaningful change in ourselves and our communities.


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